Groosham Grange – Anthony Horowitz (poškodovan izvod)

Vezava: Mehka

Leto izdaje: 2015

Založba: Walker Books

Število strani: 154

Jezik:  angleški

Opombe: Rahlo udarjen vogal knjige


From Anthony Horowitz, a Groosham . . . make that gruesome . . . new adventure! Sent to Groosham Grange as a last resort by his frustrated parents, thirteen-year-old David Eliot quickly discovers that his new boarding school is very peculiar. New pupils are made to sign their names in blood . . . the French teacher cancels classes on days there’s a full moon . . . there are chilling secrets hidden in the assistant headmaster’s office. What’s the meaning of the black rings everyone wears? Where do the other pupils vanish to at night? Suddenly, his biggest problem isn’t staying in school it’s getting out alive.For Anthony Horowitz’s legion of fans, this fun thriller is a must have.

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