The 39 Clues The Black Circle – Patrick Carman (poškodovan izvod)

Vezava: Mehka
Leto izdaje: 2012
Založba: Sholastic
Število strani: 168
Jezik: angleški
Opombe: Rahlo udarjen vogal knjige

Izvirna cena je bila: €11,11.Trenutna cena je: €4,00.

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A game of cat and mouse…
A strange telegram lures fourteen-year-old Amy Cahill and her younger brother, Dan, deep into Russia and away from the only trustworthy adult they know. Signed with the initials NRR, the telegram launches a race to uncover a treasure stolen by the Nazis and the truth behind the murder of the last Russian royal family. All too soon, the treasure hunt starts to smell like a Lucian trap. But the bait might just be irresistible…what will Amy and Dan risk to find out what really happened on the night their parents died?