18th Abduction – James Patterson (poškodovan izvod)

Vezava: Mehka
Leto izdaje: 2019
Založba: Arrow Books
Število strani: 381+14
Jezik:  angleški
Opombe: Udarjen vogal knjige

Izvirna cena je bila: €11,11.Trenutna cena je: €7,00.

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Detective Lindsay Boxer and her husband Joe Molinari team up to protect San Francisco from an international war criminal in the newest Women’s Murder Club thriller.


Three female schoolteachers go missing in San Francisco, and Detective Lindsay Boxer is on the case-which quickly escalates from missing person to murder.


Under pressure at work, Lindsay needs support at home. But her husband Joe is drawn into an encounter with a woman who’s seen a ghost–a notorious war criminal from her Eastern European home country, walking the streets of San Francisco.