The Light Behind the Window – Lucinda Riley (poškodovan izvod)

Vezava: Mehka
Leto izdaje: 2012
Založba: Pan Books
Število strani: 532
Jezik: angleški
Opombe: Malo udarjeni vogali knjige

Izvirna cena je bila: €13,88.Trenutna cena je: €6,00.

Dodatne podrobnosti

1 na zalogi

For years, Emilie de la Martinières struggled to build an existence for herself beyond her aristocratic background. But when her glamorous, aloof mother Valérie dies, the family legacy falls solely on Emilie’s shoulders. She returns to the place of her childhood, a stately château in Provence. Chance puts a collection of poems into her hands, written by her aunt Sophia, whose life was shadowed by a dark secret – a tragic love story that would forever determine the fate of the de la Martinières. But eventually Emilie realizes that it’s not too late to open the door to a different future…