The Woman in the Wood – Lesley Pearse (poškodovan izvod)

Vezava: Mehka
Leto izdaje: 2018
Založba: Penguin Books
Število strani: 197
Jezik: angleški
Opombe: Rahlo udarjen vogal knjige

Izvirna cena je bila: €12,50.Trenutna cena je: €7,00.

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1 na zalogi

London, 1960.

Living in the New Forest with their cold-hearted grandmother, twins Maisy and Duncan are neglected and unloved.

So when Duncan fails to come home after exploring the woods, no one – least of all his grandmother – appears to care.

Yet Maisy refuses to give up.

Though she doesn’t know the woods well, she knows someone who does. The strange old woman who lives at their heart . . .

Dare Maisy enlist the help of the woman in the wood?

And what will she find if she does?